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Q&A: How Many Ways Did God Make Man?

Question: I know God made Adam and Eve from clay. So, is this the only way God made people?

God has created mankind in four unique ways. He created or formed Adam from the earth or clay and breathed a spirit into him (Genesis 2:7). He created or built Eve from the flesh or DNA of Adam and breathed a spirit into her (Genesis 2:22). He created the body of Jesus by using 23 pairs of genomes from Mary’s egg and the other 23 pairs of genomes from God through the power of the Holy Spirit (Luke 1:35). Thus Jesus was simultaneously the Son of Man from Mary and the Son of God from the Holy Spirit. God did not breath a spirit into Jesus. Instead, Jesus as the eternal Word of God, indwelled His human body at His birth. This would explain the royal entourage of angels that accompanied Him to earth and later announced His birth to the shepherds (Luke 2:10-11).  And lastly, God created male and female in order to created children and form families (Genesis 4:1).

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