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What the Whole World is Waiting For

The world is running headlong to its ultimate destiny… its meeting with its Creator!

The Christians are waiting for the Second Coming of Christ and His 1,000-year or Millennial Reign.

The Jews are waiting for their Messiah to bring peace and world-wide respect for the nation of Israel.

The Muslims are waiting for the 12th Imam to bring peace to the people of the world through Islam.

The Catholics are waiting for a Pope to bring world peace by creating a united one world religion.

The Buddhists are waiting to escape endless reincarnations by reaching the spiritual state of nirvana.

The Hindus are waiting for their messiah Krishna to bring complete enlightenment to the world.

The Hare Krishnas are waiting for the enlightenment of man that will bring about man as god.

The Satanists are waiting for a one world leader to bring individual liberation through a hedonistic life

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