Difference Between the Rapture & the Second Coming Revealed
The Rapture takes place at least 7 years before the Second Coming of Christ. The Rapture is the trigger event that causes the 7 year Tribulation Period to begin on earth. Those deemed righteous, both dead and alive, will be raptured off the earth by Christ, and participate in three separate events. First, they will experience the Bema Seat Judgment (II Corinthians 5:10). At that time, they will receive rewards of future earthly governance positions, and white clothing of distinction (Revelation 19:8). Those martyred for their faith in Christ will receive white robes (Revelation 6:11). Second, they will witness the marriage ceremony of Jesus, the Word of God, to His Saints (Revelation 19:6-9). At that time, the saints will receive all the rights and privileges this title bestows upon them such as immortality and the honor of personally meeting with the Triune Godhead. Third, they will attend a wedding reception known as The Marriage Supper of the Lamb (Revelation 19:7).

The Rapture could happen at any time as there are no prophecies that need to be fulfilled for it to occur. But, it will in all probability take place just before or during the signing of a peace treaty between the Palestinian Authority. There is a slight chance that it might happen as late as 3.5 years into the first part of the seven year Tribulation period, just before the World Leader (Antichrist) makes his declaration of divinity (II Thessalonians 2:4). My personal opinion is that the Rapture will occur during the annual Fall Jewish Feast of Trumpets in the year 2026. The tribulation period would then end in 2033. This date marks the two thousand year anniversary of the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus the Christ. Please see related, “Possible Rapture Dates Revealed”

The Second Coming will occur on the last day of the Great Tribulation Period. Scripture states that the Great Tribulation will occur during the last 3.5 years or 1,260 days of the seven year tribulation period (Matthew 24:21). This is a time when the unrighteous of the earth are pressured by God to repent, and at he same time attacked by Satan through the actions of his son the Antichrist. The people that survive this period will be able to fairly accurately calculate the date of the Second Coming of Christ. Jesus stated that “But of that day and hour no man knows…” (Matthew 24:36). This is true because the Godhead has privately decided the time. But also, a single “day” and “hour” cannot be stated as the human race lives on a rotating planet and therefore continually experiencing two different days and twenty four different time zones simultaneously.
At the Rapture, the righteous are taken off the earth leaving behind the unrighteous. At the Second Coming, the raptured righteous will leave the Marriage Supper of the Lamb reception and return with Christ to the earth (Matthew 24:26-27; Revelation 1:7). At that time, the righteous on the earth that survived the tribulation will be allowed to continue to live and repopulate the earth. However, the unrighteous will be instantly repulsed at the coming of Christ to the point of death due to the Holiness of His being (II Thessalonians 2:8-12; Revelation 19:15). So, only the righteous will now occupy an environmentally restored earth in peace and health for the next one thousand years (Revelation 20:4-6).
To understand what occurs after the one thousand year Reign of Christ on Earth, please see related: “What Happens at the End of the Millennial Reign”, “Time Ends and Eternity Begins”, “The Sky is Only a Stepping Stone”, “How Old Will I be In Heaven on Earth?”.
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